Let Palestinian Children Live

With Gaza’s medical system collapsing, it’s urgent injured children are able to be temporarily evacuated to receive life-saving treatment. 

Will you save them?

children are on the medical evacuation list
children have been temporarily evacuated
children have been killed
0 +

Data from January 2024

What’s stopping injured children from being temporarily evacuated?

Some injured children faced refusal by other states to cross through the Rafah crossing. Even those successfully evacuated, face a slow and poorly coordinated system leading to rapid health decline. 

The doctors involved in facilitating their evacuation were not able to share the child’s full medical history or receive handover information.

Why aren’t you focusing on a ceasefire?

We are calling for an immediate ceasefire, but as Israeli airstrikes continue and the number of injured grows, action needs to be taken now to save lives or prevent severe disabilities. Gaza’s medical system is collapsing so medical evacuations have become essential to performing life-saving treatments.

What action are we calling for?

Agree to the immediate evacuation of injured Palestinian children through a safe and swift passage where the patient is documented at every stage.

Ensure that evacuated children and their Guardians are not left in Rafah, and make it to the specialist treatment facilities, including centers in host states without delay. Once evacuated to Egypt, they are not left in ill-equipped medical facilities but transferred to specialist medical facilities for care and intervention.

Creating documented safe passages will ensure every child is safeguarded with documents, ID and medical records to enable their safe travel, medical treatment and return back to Palestine.

Click here to read more

Children are suffering in horrendous pain from burns, injuries and surgical interventions, due to the lack of pain relief medication. This suffering is unnecessary, and is resulting in life altering complications arising from their injuries and lack of antibiotics. Newborn babies remain unvaccinated in unsanitary and overcrowded camps.  We need to get as much emergency money and aid to them such as antibiotics, and medication for allergies, diabetes and high blood pressure.

How can I help?

Write to your MP using the template to demand they urge the UK government to support safe passage and critical care for these children.

  • Personalise the template to catch your MP’s attention. Introduce yourself and tell them why you feel this is important. Read the stories of the injured children and draw attention to their plight.
  • If writing is not possible telephone their office at the House of Commons by calling 020 7219 3000 and ask to be put through to their office giving your MP’s name

To get your MPs name and contact details, and to generate a customised message to them that you can copy and paste, just enter your name and postcode below.

Share the campaign

Let your friends and family know about this life-saving campaign so they too can write to their MP and make a difference to save the lives of Palestinian children.

The Right of Return of Palestinians

We recognise that all refugees have a right to return to areas from which they have fled or been expelled from. The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights states in Article 13(2) that “[e]veryone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and return to his own country”. This is an individual right and cannot be unilaterally abrogated by third parties.

Amnesty International calls for Palestinians who fled or were expelled from Israel, the West Bank or Gaza Strip, along with those of their descendants who have maintained genuine links with the area, to be able to exercise their right to return. Palestinians who were expelled from what is now Israel, and then from the West Bank or Gaza Strip, may be able to show that they have genuine links to both places. If so, they should be free to choose between returning to Israel, the West Bank or Gaza Strip. 

Palestinians who have genuine links to Israel, the West Bank or Gaza Strip, but who are currently living in other host states, may also have genuine links to their host state. This should not diminish or reduce their right to return to Israel, the West Bank or Gaza Strip.

We fully endorse these positions and insist on them being respected.

Source The Right of Return & Palestinian Refugees | IMEU